Applying for a loan online is the simplest and quickest method for getting an approval. In most cases, we’re able to approve your request on the same business day that you apply.

Ready to get started?

There are many ways to apply for a loan, select the best option for you below:

  • OnlineApply for a loan through our website
  • Phone – Loan representatives are available from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call (918) 749-8828 or (800) 234-8828.
  • Branch – Stop by any of our branch locations to apply for a loan.

Note: If you're not yet a member of TTCU, you can still apply for a loan.

Loans are an important part of our credit union and we’re proud to be known as Tulsa's Premier Auto Lender. Anyone can apply for a loan, even if they’re not yet a member. The loan amount approved is based on the member’s ability to pay and credit history. If you are unsure about your credit history, is a service where you can check for yourself.