No. We’ll pull your credit report to calculate your best option.

Though a credit report is helpful in the decision-making process, it’s not the only record we review that determines a decision.

Ready to get started?

There are many ways to apply for a loan, select the best option for you below:

  • Online - Apply for a loan using online or mobile banking.
  • Website Apply for a loan through our website.
  • Phone – Loan representatives are available from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call (918) 749-8828 or (800) 234-8828.
  • Branch – Stop by any of our branch locations to apply for a loan.

Note: If you're not yet a member of TTCU, you can still apply for a loan.

Loans are an important part of our credit union and we’re proud to be known as Tulsa's Premier Auto Lender. Anyone can apply for a loan, even if they’re not yet a member. The loan amount approved is based on the member’s ability to pay and credit history. If you are unsure about your credit history, is a service where you can check for yourself.